Contribution log form

Pull request - Once a pull request has been submitted the contribution log can be updated to include a link to it. This will make it easier for people to view any contribution attestations that get left on the pull request.

Contribution duration - State the number of working days that you contributed during this month. If you contributed during the whole month you can simply state "Full month".


Add a brief overview overing what you worked on this month. Use bullet points to separate out the different contribution areas. Optional.

Contribution outputs

Contribution outputs should provide evidence of a generated contribution output. Contribution outputs should be publicly accessible and available online for others to verify and review. For any of the following contribution outputs the format for adding each item is:

  • Contribution output title [Add evidence link as part of the title] - Optional description about the contribution.

If there are many entries in a single contribution area they can be grouped together under different titles to better categorise them and make it easier to read.


List any code repository pull requests. This can include pull requests for anything code related such as features, tests, deployment pipelines or bug fixes. Pull requests are preferred over single commits as pull requests can combine multiple commits into a single code change that can often be more easily titled and described.


List any documents that have been created or updated. Documents could be focused on areas such as software architecture, research reviews, analysis, security, product management, proposals, presentations or any other relevant area.


List any designs that have been created or improved. Designs could include mockups, high fidelity designs, icons, graphics and any other relevant design contribution.


List any videos you made and any recorded videos that provide evidence of recent events, discussions or meetings with other community members or contributors. Add description information about when the video was from and what it was about.

Systems & operation

List out any new systems or parameter changes. This could include things like the operational efforts to launch or maintain a website, backend or other application.

Project management

List out any projects where you have been managing the updates and actively helping with the contribution efforts. This focuses on broader coordination efforts rather than your own specific contribution tasks.

Feedback & reviews

List out any reviews or feedback you have given to other people's code, designs, documents or other contributions. Link the overall pull request, document or design file that you have commented on rather than linking every specific piece of feedback within those pages.


List out any other contribution outputs that are not covered in the areas above.

Contribution efforts

Contributions that can be more easily proven using online evidence links should be added to the contribution outputs section. Some contributions do not lead to an output and some contributions are not as easily recorded online. It is preferred that contributions are recorded when possible so that they can be verified and reviewed by others. When there is no sufficient online evidence of someone's contribution effort a contributor can instead add those contribution efforts in this section. These contribution efforts would ideally then receive attestations from other contributors and community members that can vouch for the contributor that they did in fact make those contributions.


List out any interactions you had with other contributors or community members where you were providing mentorship. The format for these entries are as follows:

  • Name of person receiving mentorship - Brief description about how you helped them


List out any discussions you had with other contributors or the wider community. Discussions could have been about anything relevant to the ecosystem and initiatives that the contributor is working on such as planning, collaboration or project management. The format for these entries are as follows:

  • Name of the discussion, date it happened - Overview covering what was discussed and how you contributed.


List out any events that have happened recently that you contributed towards and what you helped with. Events could include community meet ups, team building sessions, presentations, focus groups, hackathons and workshops. The format for these entries are as follows:

  • Name of the event, date it happened - Outline how you contributed to the event.


List any research efforts that were made to review certain information sources that could be useful to the ecosystem. If this research can be translated into a literature and information review document this will be preferred as it can provide more evidence of the contribution effort and be useful to other contributors. The format for these entries are as follows:

  • Title of research - Description of what was researched and why.


List out any other contribution efforts you have made that aren't covered in the areas above.

Last updated