Contributor peer review & feedback

Questionnaire for contributors to complete after they have completed their term of funded contribution. Contributors would be asked to give other contributors a review and some feedback. All questions would be optional as contributors might not have enough information to make a well informed response.

1. Did the contributor generate a sufficient amount of impact during their funded contribution period? (Optional)

  1. Missed expectations

  2. Somewhat missed expectations

  3. Met expectations

  4. Exceeded expectations

  5. Strongly exceeded expectations

2. Overall how impactful were their contributions for the ecosystem? Highlight any contributions that were innovative or novel and how they helped to move the ecosystem forward. (Optional)

3. Did the contributor's performance meet expectations? (Optional)

  1. Missed expectations

  2. Somewhat missed expectations

  3. Met expectations

  4. Exceeded expectations

  5. Strongly exceeded expectations

4. What contributions or areas was the contributor particularly performant at executing? How could they improve their performance in the future? (Optional)

5. Was the contributor collaborative with other contributors and projects? (Optional)

  1. Missed expectations

  2. Somewhat missed expectations

  3. Met expectations

  4. Exceeded expectations

  5. Strongly exceeded expectations

6. Were there any notable contribution efforts or initiatives that demonstrated the contributors collaborative efforts? (Optional)

7. How effective were their communication skills with other contributors and community members? (Optional)

  1. Missed expectations

  2. Somewhat missed expectations

  3. Met expectations

  4. Exceeded expectations

  5. Strongly exceeded expectations

8. Were there any notable occasions that demonstrated their communication skills? (Optional)

9. Did the contributor demonstrate any strong leadership during a project, through their own execution efforts or from applying their own expertise? How important was this leadership for guiding the execution success of a given initiative? (Optional)

10. Were there any notable mentoring and support efforts that the contributor provided to other people? (Optional)

11. Did the contributor help with fostering a positive and inclusive environment for contributors and the wider community? Did the contributor demonstrate any community involvement that made a positive impact that is worth mentioning? (Optional)

Last updated