Contributor experiment feedback

Questionnaire for contributors to complete after the funding experiment is completed.

1. Roughly how long on average, in minutes, did you spend on creating each contribution log? (Required)

2. Were there any contribution efforts that were not recorded in your contribution logs? If so, please describe these contributions. (Required)

3. Which contribution efforts were the most difficult to record in your contribution logs? (Required)

4. What feedback, if any, do you have about the contribution log process? What are the most important improvements you would focus on? (Optional)

5. How difficult was it to get attestations from others about your contribution efforts? (Required)

  1. Very difficult

  2. Somewhat difficult

  3. Expected amount of effort

  4. Somewhat easy

  5. Very easy

6. What feedback, if any, do you have about the process for requesting attestations from others for your contribution logs? (Optional)

7. Were the peer reviews and feedback you received from others fair and reasonable? If not, please describe what responses were not fair and reasonable. (Required)

8. Have you previously been funded in any ecosystem? (Required)

  1. Yes

  2. No

9. If so, how did this contributor funding process compare with these other funding experiences? Which funding process did you prefer out of the ones you have participated in? (Optional)

10. What feedback, if any, do you have about this funding process overall and how it could be improved? (Optional)

11. What are your next steps in the ecosystem? Would you prefer to continue being a funded contributor or would you like to work in another team? Or in another ecosystem? (Required)

Last updated