Time & cost estimates

Time and cost estimates for each actor that would be involved in the funding process

Each of the stakeholders involved in the funding process have a list of tasks that they will complete to fully participate in the funding process. The time it takes to complete each of those tasks can be estimated and aggregated to generate a total estimated time required. The total time estimates can then be multiplied by an hourly rate for each role. Each role's hourly rate will need to roughly take into account the skill level and responsibility of the role. This will result in generating a total estimated cost to participate in the funding process for each stakeholder.

To create the participation time estimates a number of default parameters will be applied:

  • Contributor funding term length - 6 months

  • Maximum funding available per contributor - $60,000 (6 months of $10,000)

  • Total funding available - $180,000 (A minimum of 3 contributors will get approved)

To create total participation cost estimates the following hourly rates will be applied to each of the different stakeholders:

  • Community member - $15 per hour. This rate is higher than the majority of minimum wages across the world. The purpose of adding this rate is to help ensure that the value of people's time is respected.

  • Contributor - $57.50 per hour. This is rounded down from a $120,000 annual equivalent salary assuming a 40 hour work week. This rate is higher than the majority of normal software developer roles across the world. It should be noted however that talented blockchain and smart contract developers can sometimes be paid much more than this hourly rate.

  • Voter - $15 per hour. Same rationale as community members.

  • Funding operator - $38 per hour. This is rounded down from a $80,000 annual equivalent salary assuming a 40 hour work week. The role is important however the tasks and responsibilities do not require a high skill level. The hourly rate should be comparable to a number of entry to mid level management or analyst roles depending on the country.

The values used within each stakeholder's time estimates are intended to reflect an average time. Some people will spend far longer than the estimated times given below, and others will spend far less time. Our goal for this estimation is to be somewhat generous in the average time estimations to better understand the potential cost if this process was going to be scaled.

Ecosystems can update any of the values being suggested to better reflect their own circumstances, usage and funding process. The values provided above are merely initial suggestions to start thinking about how time consuming and costly this funding process could be for the different stakeholders involved.

Community member

Priority suggestions

  1. Review priority suggestions - 200 minutes (2 minutes per suggestion, 100 suggestions)

  2. Submit priority suggestions - 10 minutes (10 minutes per suggestion, 1 suggestion submitted)

  3. Respond to existing priority suggestions - 15 minutes (3 minutes per suggestion, 5 suggestions responded to)

Total - 225 minutes

Contributor proposal feedback

  1. Review contributor proposals - 80 minutes (4 minutes per proposal, 20 proposal submitted)

  2. Provide contributor proposal feedback - 10 minutes (5 minutes per proposal, 2 proposals feedback given to)

Total - 90 minutes

Contribution board feedback

  1. Review contribution board tasks - 180 minutes (30 minutes per month, 6 months period)

  2. Shared contribution task feedback - 90 minutes (15 minutes per piece of feedback, 1 piece of feedback per month, 6 month period)

Total - 270 minutes

Total estimated participation time

9 hours 45 minutes (225 + 90 + 270 = 585 minutes)

Total estimated cost to participate

$146.25 ((585 minutes/60) x $15)


Contributor proposal submissions

  1. Copy contributor proposal template - 10 minutes

  2. Fill in contributor proposal - 60 minutes

  3. Create pull request - 10 minutes

  4. Review proposal feedback - 20 minutes

  5. Complete proposal submission feedback questionnaire - 10 minutes

Total - 110 minutes

Contributor onboarding

  1. Review priority suggestions - 200 minutes (2 minutes per suggestion, 100 suggestions)

  2. Share preferences - 15 minutes (5 minutes per suggestion, 3 suggestions responded to)

  3. Join internal contributor chat - 5 minutes

  4. Join contribution log chat - 5 minutes

  5. Join open contributor chat - 5 minutes

  6. Set initial contribution tasks - 180 minutes

Total - 410 minutes

Monthly contributions

  1. Complete contribution period - 0 minutes (Not counted towards the estimates as contributors will be paid their agreed salary for their contributions. These estimations are only interested in the time required and cost involved with participating in the funding process itself, not the actual execution efforts)

  2. Share future contribution intentions - 240 minutes (10 minutes per task, 4 tasks per month, 6 month contribution period)

  3. Create contribution log - 360 minutes (60 minutes per contribution log, 1 contribution log per month, 6 month contribution period)

  4. Request contribution attestations - 60 minutes (2 minutes per attestation request, 5 requests to contributors or community members per month, 6 month contribution period)

  5. Share contribution log - 30 minutes (5 minutes per contribution log shared, 6 month contribution period)

  6. Receive contribution payment - 0 minutes (Contributor waits for payment to be received however is not responsible for any contribution efforts)

Total - 690 minutes

Completed funding process

  1. Share contributor peer review questionnaire - 10 minutes (2 minutes per shared request, 5 people request shared to)

  2. Complete contributor experiment questionnaire - 20 minutes

Total - 30 minutes

Total estimated participation time

20 hours 40 minutes (110 + 410 + 690 + 30 = 1,240 minutes)

Total estimated cost to participate

$1,188.33 ((1,240 minutes/60) * $57.50)


Voting process

  1. Register to vote - 5 minutes

  2. Fill in the voting form - 160 minutes (5 minutes to review each candidate, 3 minutes to vote on each candidate, 20 contributor proposals to review)

  3. Submit voting form - 5 minutes

  4. Wait for voting results - 0 minutes (Voting results are aggregated by the funding operator)

  5. Complete contribution selection feedback questionnaire - 15 minutes

Total - 185 minutes

Completed funding process

  1. Complete voter experiment feedback questionnaire - 20 minutes

Total - 20 minutes

Total estimated participation time

205 minutes (185 + 20 = 205 minutes)

Total estimated cost to participate

$51.25 ((205 minutes/60) * $15)

Funding operator

Priority suggestion board setup

  1. Setup funding process chat channel - 10 minutes

  2. Setup priority suggestion board - 60 minutes

  3. Invite community participation - 1200 minutes

  4. Review suggestions - 240 minutes

Total - 1,510 minutes

Contributor proposal setup

  1. Setup GitHub and GitBook - 120 minutes

  2. Invite community proposals - 1200 minutes

  3. Invite community proposal feedback - 300 minutes

  4. Verify and approve proposals - 600 minutes (30 minutes per proposal and proposer verification, 20 proposals submitted)

  5. Setup and share contributor proposal submission feedback questionnaire - 70 minutes (30 minutes creating questionnaire, 2 minutes per share with proposer, 20 proposals submitted)

  6. Review contributor proposals - 120 minutes

Total - 2,410 minutes

Finalise funding process

  1. Finalise decisions & parameters - 180 minutes

  2. Setup questionnaires - 90 minutes

  3. Setup chat channels - 30 minutes

  4. Finalise funding process information - 120 minutes

  5. Share funding process - 300 minutes

Total - 720 minutes


  1. Setup voting submission form - 20 minutes

  2. Setup voting form - 60 minutes (3 minutes per contributor, 20 proposals submitted)

  3. Invite voter participation - 120 minutes

  4. Process voting results - 180 minutes (3 minutes per voting file, 30 voters participating, 90 minutes creating summary page)

  5. Share contributor selection decision feedback questionnaire - 120 minutes

Total - 500 minutes

Contributor onboarding

  1. Invite contributors to join chat channels - 120 minutes

  2. Support setting initial contribution tasks - 360 (120 minutes per contributor, 3 selected contributors)

Total - 480 minutes

Monthly contributions

  1. Respond to community questions - 1,080 minutes (180 minutes, 6 month contribution period)

  2. Support prioritisation decisions - 1,080 minutes (180 minutes per month, 6 month contribution period)

  3. Support planning and collaboration efforts - 2,160 minutes (120 minutes per contributor per month, 3 selected contributors, 6 month contribution period)

  4. Review and approve contribution logs - 1,080 minutes (60 minutes per contribution log, 3 selected contributors, 6 month contribution period)

  5. Release contributor payment - 180 minutes (10 minutes per contributor, 3 selected contributors, 6 month contribution period)

Total - 5,580 minutes

Funding process completion

  1. Share contributor peer review questionnaire - 180 minutes

  2. Share voter feedback questionnaire - 300 minutes

  3. Share contributor feedback questionnaire - 300 minutes

  4. Analyse and present funding outcome results - 2,400 minutes

Total - 3,180 minutes

Total estimated participation time

229 hours 40 minutes (910 + 2410 + 720 + 500 + 480 + 5580 + 3180 = 13,780 minutes)

Total estimated cost to participate

$8,727.33 ((13,780 minutes/60) * 38)

Last updated