Contributor proposal form

Full Name - Required. Added as the proposal title.

Profile picture - 240px square image of candidate. Example:

Contact details

Contributors can list out any contact details so that people can contact them. Other relevant contact details in the same format as below can also be added.

Email - Required.

Telegram - Optional.

Discord - Optional.

X - Optional.

Contributors can share their professional profiles to showcase the previous roles they have worked on. Other professional profiles could also be added below the suggestions below if they help with showcasing the contributors professional history.

LinkedIn - Optional.

GitHub - Optional.

Personal Website - Optional.

Portfolio - Optional.

Professional history

If the contributor has provided a professional profile that documents their professional history they can respond with "Full details on LinkedIn profile".

If the contributor does not have a professional profile that documents their professional history then they can chronologically list out their recent roles, up to a maximum of 5, in the following format:

  • Role title (Start date - end date, e.g. Jan 2000 - Feb 2001), Organisation name - Role responsibilities and any achievements.

    • Project link or name - Indented items can be added to provide more detail about any projects within that role that are worth mentioning that the contributor has contributed towards and how they were involved.

Recent contributions

Contributors can list out any relevant or recent contributions they have made to a Web3 ecosystem. Contributors should highlight the contributions that help to most effectively showcase their skills, expertise and performance.

Contributors that have not made any recent or relevant contributions to a Web3 ecosystem can respond with "New to the ecosystem."

If the contributor has made some recent contributions that they want to share they can chronologically list the most recent or relevant ones, up to a maximum of 5, in the following format:

  • Contribution name with a link if possible (Start date - End date, e.g. Jan 2001 - Feb 2002) - Explanation about contribution

    • Contribution link or task - Description about a more specific contribution task

Ecosystem involvement

Contributors can provide more information about how they are getting involved in the ecosystem that they are requesting funding from. Ecosystem involvement means things such as events, meet ups, discussions and any other form of participation in the ecosystem.

If the contributor has not got involved in the ecosystem recently they can respond with "New to the ecosystem." or "No recent involvement."

If the proposal has been involved in some different events they can chronologically list out, up to a maximum of 5, the most relevant or recent events in the following format:

  • Event name with a link if possible (Event date, e.g. Jul 2002 for an event that happened in July) - Explanation about involvement in the event

    • Link showing evidence of participation - Description of link

Preferred areas of contribution

Contributors can highlight what their preferred areas of contribution are. Some contributors might broadly want to work in a certain area, others may already know what open source project they want to work on specifically and others may be flexible to work on any suggested community idea.

If the contributor doesn't currently have any strong preferences about what they work on in the ecosystem they can respond with "Looking to contribute towards community suggested ideas". Community suggested ideas would also include any suggestions that come from the founding entities and other contributors.

Contributors that do have any preferences about what they are working on can list out the initiatives or focus areas that they are most interested in, up to a maximum of 5, in the following format:

  • Name of project or focus area with a link if possible - Description of the tasks involved in working on that project or an outline of why the contributor is interested in that focus area and why these tasks or focus area is suitable for the contributor based on their own skills and expertise.

Last updated